Insurance: Global Company Rankings

GlobalData's Insurance Company Rankings database provides country-wide rankings of insurers based on written premiums for 154 countries. Data is broken down by segment and total industry at global, regional, and country levels. The database allows clients to analyze insurer performance at a subsidiary- and pre-net-level, and benchmark performance against market leaders.

Historical premiums by company are collected from statistical reports published by the regulatory bodies (including insurance associations) in each country, and in some cases also from individual company annual reports and Solvency II filings. Gross written premiums are the preferred measure to rank the insurers, but other premium measures can be considered as well in the absence of GWP data.

Data Characteristics

Launch Year: 2015
Historical Start Date: 2006
Data Coverage: Country-wide insurer rankings
Regional Coverage: Europe/Middle East/Africa; Asia Pacific; Latin America; North America
Country Coverage: 154
Company Coverage: 13,802
Total Companies with Tickers: 700+
Collection Time: Weekly
Delivery Methods: Data Feed, Cloud

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